Monday, 18 March 2013


Monday 18th March

Not much to say about today. Work, sleep, injection, tea, sleep. So I am going to preach instead.

Yet again this weekend I heard another story of someone who ignored a health problem until now it is a much bigger problem than it needed to be. So once again ( I have written this before ) I plead for all of you to take heed of the following advice.

In terms of my particular illness, if you find any kind of lump then do not wait. Get down to your doctor straight away and find out from an expert if it is a problem or not. What have you got to lose? If it is nothing then you have nothing to worry about. If it turns out to be something more, and I sincerely hope it happens to none of you, at least you will have found it early and have the best possible chance of a complete recovery.

Now I appreciate more than most that a lump may be in an intimate place, you don't get more intimate than where mine is ( was!! ), but just suck it up and go. Doctors have seen it all before, hell plenty of them have seen mine.

If I had waited much longer then I would have been in a lot more trouble. I try not to think about what would have happened if we had gone to New Zealand as planned.

All joking aside please take this advice, it might just save your life.

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