Monday, 8 April 2013

100 up

Monday 8th April

This is the 100th post in my blog. It's not quite 100 days because of a combination of either 2 posts in one day and missing a day completely.

According to the stats ( and I'm not sure at how they arrive at these figures ) the blog has had over five and a half thousand page views. Most of these have been in the UK, although I also have some expected ones New Zealand ( uncle and aunt ) and Egypt ( friends ). But I have also had some from the USA, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Canada, Italy and Russia. China, Japan and Taiwan have even had one or two views. I have no idea how they found it or what they thought but if they are reading it now I hope they enjoy it and perhaps find it an insight into the way I think and do things.

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day before two full days at work but hasn't ended up that way. Ben and I cleared out the garden shed and had a trip to the tip with the junk that had been accumulated in there. We then took Mandy's Mum out to buy a new TV and then set it up for her. Then after my visit to the nurse for my injection I went for another run.

I am slowly starting to see some benefit from what I have done so far. I managed a total of 3 miles and didn't have to walk until I had reached 2 miles both of which are much better than before. My lungs did not burn as much as previous times either which is very pleasing. However having run 2 days in a row my muscles are aching tonight, strangely my sides and stomach ones are the worst. I need to work on some core strength I think.

Cheers until tomorrow.


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