Thursday 31st January
Strange day today. Didn't start great with a brief bout of sickness. However it was that strange kind of being sick that is a relief and makes you feel better. I have had the feeling that something was getting stuck on/in my chest during the night that was making me feel sick in the mornings, well this morning it shifted but the result was OK.
The rest of the morning shot by in a blink. Breakfast, walk, bath and lunch before off to hospital. I have to say that the further through the morning we got the more anxious I became. By the time we arrived I was getting quite hyper and stressed. Whilst sat in the chair I could not relax at all. I still have a huge problem with the putting in of the cannula, it makes me feel faint. During the chemo process I could not stop my feet and legs from wriggling, and at one point started to become irrationally emotional but reigned it in as I could see it would upset Mandy. It all seemed to take an age today. At last we got free and went home, getting back about 10 past 4. I had to go straight to bed to try and relax, which worked as I went straight to sleep.
Even writing this now at 8 o'clock though, having had tea, I am still struggling to come down from the day. Straight after eating I had to go and lie down, but once again had twitchy feet and legs. I am now going to watch some tele to distract myself. I am sure tomorrow will be better though, I only have one treatment in the next thirteen days so some time to recover and relax at last.
One good point was that I saw a doctor about the vein in my leg whilst we were there. He has given me anti-biotics as he thinks it is infected. At least that should cure that one.
Of the nine sessions of chemo in total that is now five done so we are officially over half way. It still seems a very long way to me but I need something positive to cling to.
Well done for getting through this week flower, you've coped so well. Let us know when we can come and hassle you xx