Thursday, 3 January 2013

Off we go

Thursday 3rd January.

So I am in Coventry University Hospital now. The oncology (cancer) ward has 36 beds split into 6 wards of 6 beds. The other beds are all occupied by much older guys, I think I am the youngest by around 20 years. Have spoken to Brian who is nice, should get some intelligent conversation there, but trying not to catch Roy's eye - he seems to be a 'character' shall we say. It's a bit like a stereo typical comedy character who appears to be asleep, then sits up and swears at you, then straight back to sleep. Could be an interesting night!

Attached to the drip feed machine about 11.45 to be filled up with saline for 2 hours, makes you want to pee all the time. Then 2 anti-sickness tablets and one bag of drip fed anti-sickness and one steroid drip, then they still bring you a bucket if you need to puke. Now into 2 hours of the first chemo drug, then another hour of the 2nd drug, then another 2 hours of saline to flush it all through.

Thank God for internet and tele.

My alarm on my drip has just gone off. Press the alarm to the nurse station. Someone will turn up in a while I'm sure. Brings to mind a scene from the movie Airplane where they keep pulling out the drip and just putting it back in time before she croaks.

Roy just back from day room, more words of wisdom coming I fear.

Can't wait for Saturday to get home and I have only been here for 6 hours.


  1. Hi Tim, hopefully it is like most races I run in, you feel nervous and dreadful at the start and then it gets better the more you do.

    Appreciate the blog, please keep it up.


    1. Yes, the second half is often easier than the first... just a day to go now!


