Monday 21st January
It seems that I have got into a routine I do not want. Mornings are OK, we actually went out to lunch today to the Fish at Wixford ( really recommend the Fish, open fires, great food ), but then as the afternoon wears on yet another headache starts. Not as bad as yesterday but still just makes me want to curl up and close my eyes. I have a meeting with my Macmillan nurse tomorrow so will talk to her but I don't think they can do much. Just have to battle on.
Thanks again to Mandy for writing blog yesterday, nice description of hair loss.
Well if it looks like a cat had been sleeping on your pillow, i just realised, both my cats got shaved today at the vets........... see where I'm going....... Cottage industry in the making ;-) Sorry about the shitty migraines Tim, can recommend excellent meds for those if you can face any more! Stay upbeat or I'll send the husband round again xxx