Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Little to tell

Tuesday 26th February

This is the kind of day I now like, nothing dramatic, no temperature, no sickness, just a day. The only fly in the ointment at the moment is a stomach upset ( no details I promise ) that I have had for a few days now, caused I think as a side effect of the tami flu I am taking. But this one, as do the other 2 anti biotics I am on, finish tomorrow morning. Then I am free of drug taking apart from the continuing anti sickness. Oh and of course my daily injection. So hardly drug free at all actually!

So nothing else really to report. Decent night's sleep. Walk into the park this morning. Watch tele this afternoon. No sleep during the day today but that is proving a mistake as I now don't feel so good but it is just sheer tiredness, probably overtired in fact ( you can tell I am a parent!! ).

That's it then. Another couple of days like these please.



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