Sunday, 17 February 2013

Home time

Sunday 17th February

I'm writing this still at home as I'm not going to the hospital until later. The nurses won't start today's treatment until 3pm so Tim won't be finished till around 9, so pointless me going in too early. He is always tired late afternoon anyway so it is probably better for him just to nap. He didn't finish chemo yesterday until 2am but did say that he managed to sleep while still attached. When we spoke first thing he said that he had slept pretty much the rest of the night after that as well.

He had got out for a walk again this morning and bought a paper then sat on a bench and managed to read a little before he got too cold. Will have been the sports supplement I imagine! This trip inside has definitely been the best, despite the late hours, mostly as he has kept his room so wasn't as disturbed by the other patients. The fact that it is the last big one too has made him more relaxed and less anxious once he was actually underway. Just need to get him back tonight now and I think we will both breathe a huge sign of relief that this final major session is out of the way.

Output he tells me has increased at the moment so hopefully no more hold ups with extra saline and water tablets today.

Hope to hand blog back over tomorrow if he feels well enough.


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