Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Wednesday 27th February

So the all the anti biotics are now finished. Lets hope this is the start of my body ( and it's functions ) getting back somewhere near normal. Nothing else really to tell from today, just a plain boring day. Highlight was a trip to Tesco ( very exciting ). Apart from that just sleeping, tele and washing up. The energy levels remain rock bottom, Tesco literally did wipe me out.

The day after tomorrow is D-Day for the end of treatment. I also have had an appointment through to see my cancer specialist at the end of April. Although I have not had my CT scan date yet I am guessing that this appointment is to give me the results.

I guess the blog will change somewhat over the next week or two. With no more treatment due it will become one about recuperation and my attempts to get back to work, to a proper family life and to some level of fitness. I probably won't post every day from then on. It is already getting difficult to do at times due to inactivity giving me little to write, and the tiredness making it difficult to be too articulate. Still I have preferred this to all the dramas.

So here's to tomorrow being difficult to write about again, and roll on Friday.



1 comment:

  1. Please don't abandon your followers completely!! It is still good to follow your recovery, and the more boring the better if you see what I mean. This limbo from treatment to your scan date will be difficult, but we're all here for you. Take care and get your strength back slowly, but most of all listen to your body.
